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Commission on Disabilities Agenda 02/19/2013

The Salem Commission on Disabilities will hold their monthly meeting on
February 19th, 2013at 4:00p.m.
Salem Access TV 285 Derby St. , Salem, MA
All of the Commission’s meetings are open to the public. Any person with a disability and/or their family member or advocate, are strongly encouraged and welcome to attend and voice their concerns in writing or, be placed on the Agenda and send them to
Co-Chair, Debra Lobstitz at, 
All of the Commission’s meetings are taped and broadcasted throughout the month on Salem Access TV Channel 22 for the public’s convenience.
This month’s guest/Success Story is:  Tom Muxie of the Peabody Commission on Disabilities and a local Actor and a Monitor for the Mass Office on Disability.  Tom will discuss his life’s story and how he prevailed despite his disability.
For more information, e-mail, Co-Chair, Debra Lobstitz at, or, Commissioner, Andrew J. LaPointe at